The Man up Ministry is a Spiritual group for all men of the parish and of the mid-Mon Valley. This ministry is intended to bring men together in the spirit of fellowship and spiritual growth. MAN UP is a vehicle for men of honor to discuss, learn and share by dealing with issues, concerns, and topics that all men deal with and to bring the Holy Spirit into that setting to guide and strengthen each of them.
MAN UP provides an atmosphere where these issues can be addressed and overcome with prayer and learning. Let their motto of “iron sharpens iron” inspire you and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, allow you to grow closer to the Lord and have a greater spiritual impact on family, friends, and loved ones.
The meetings include guest speakers and a few annual social events for added fellowship. The sessions will begin at 7:00 p.m. and will be held in Marian Hall in Charleroi on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month. All men and new members are encouraged.
Please pray about joining them as you move forward in your spiritual journey. Contact Dave Papak, at 703-473-6447 for further info.